My Story...
Everyone has a unique story...
I was brought to Energy Balancing when I developed painful physical symptoms after experiencing an emotional loss. Conventional medicine proved unsuccessful and my symptoms continued. However, Energy Balancing treatments restored my health and from that point forward I have felt compelled to learn & share many different types of Energy Balancing techniques.
Getting in balance brought a lot more joy into my life. I was shocked to discover that my clairvoyant abilities opened up and I now bring into a session messages from Angels, Spirit Guides, Past Lives and many other loving energies around us.
Before these experiences, I had a background in biology and had been working in animal medicine. I really didn't put much thought into Energy Balancing as it conflicted with my beliefs in how the world worked, so when the clairvoyance started happening, I was truly shocked and had to work through my own "stuff" before I could fully embrace it.
Energy therapies support and balance the physical body, the mind, and the emotional spirit.
I am a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner (CECP)â„¢, Certified Past Life Regression therapist, Certified Angel Guide, Medium, Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner, a Member in Good Standing with the British Columbia Therapeutic Touch Network Society (BCTTNS), a Deborah King Certified Spirit Guide Coach, and a Radleigh Valentine Certified Angel Card Readerâ„¢.
This is my story. Please contact me if you feel that Energy Balancing & Past Life Regression has a place in your story!